With Fearing approaching 6 months faster than I can write this blog post I have been pondering how to keep all of his clothes, bibs and burp cloths looking 'fresh'. I am not a big fan stained burp cloths, or bibs for that matter. BUT it is hard to keep everything looking new. My mom has taught me the best trick. Pre-Soak. Everything. Apparently that is what 'diaper pails' were for. I don't know if you have looked for a diaper pail lately but they are few and far between. So, when you can't find the real deal...you improvise. Denise bought me a five gallon paint bucket from Home Depot. Yep, it is bright orange. BUT It works wonders! I have become accustomed to pre-soaking all of F's bibs, burp cloths, and clothes that he gets food on. It is kind of a pain to go the extra step but in the long run it really pays off. All you need is a bucket of cold water, some detergent (we use Ivory snow...I'm not a fan of 'baby fresh' scent, and Ivory snow is just a good clean scent) and just put stained garments in bucket for a couple of hours, then pour the entire bucket into washer. Let me know what you think!
The joys of baby laundry! I do not pre-soak, but I have found that the dreft stain remover (in a squirt bottle) works well if you use it before you wash. Some stains are permanent though no matter what you do....like carrot baby food - the stuff is like a permanent orange marker!! Good luck!!
Love this post!! I can't stand having some of Carter's stuff stained, but I have to say I'm bad about not soaking stuff all the time & it def. doesn't always come out clean in the washer. That dreft just doesn't do it for stains. I always put baby oxi clean in his washes & that seems to help some. I may try the ivory snow in the soaking...you just helped motivate me to do it more! Ha!
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