I have so much to catch up on but today its not going to happen. See, F is on consecutive ear infections numero 6 and 7. Yep thats right. So to say we are a little miserable would be an understatement. BUT there is a light at the end of this tunnel. We have an appt. with the ENT on Wednesday morning. HALLEJUAH! Yesterday was really rough (poor baby pretty much screamed all day. Even in the Dr's office where usually he is a perfect little angel. I can't imagine how bad his little ears must hurt). I was thinking today HAD to be better and so far it has been better than yesterday but he is SO ill!! So with that said, I will NOT be recaping the last month of our life. Instead I thought I would share some of our new favorite things through pictures.
Sunday was such a beautiful day and our little family of three decided it would be a great day to get out of the house. I have been wanting some of these for quite some time. And now that I have them, I know why I wanted them.
For those of you who don't have them or know what they are, they're TOMS. They are super comfy and come in an erray of colors! But if you wear a size 5 like me, you might just have to get the classic black. Which I am OK with since they will go with all kinds of things! The best part about these super cuties are each time you purchase a pair of TOMS a pair of TOMS is given to a child in need! YEP. Cool huh! New thing too, you can choose the country you want to donate too.
We have a case of alligator skin in this house too so lately this is our favorite! It is very moisturizing and smells yummy too!!
My MOST favorite item that has been a life saver lately is this!
Fearing has been teething for a while now, he has two pearly whites on the bottom and this baby LOVES his paci! So because he has SO much extra saliva and that paci is not going ANY where, he had the worst chapped face. I found this at Publix and it worked wonders!! It is pretty water proof so drool wasn't a problem. His pretty little face is back to normal again!! Thank you Burt's Bees!
And last but not least, The Winter Olympics have been a staple in our house lately!! We have LOVED watching every single night and we are so proud of the U.S.A!! We have our favorites and have truly enjoyed watching this together throughout the past two weeks.
5 years ago
i love toms!
So glad to see a post! =) Now we need some pictures of Fearing! I need to see his sweet face!
I love the Toms. I've seen them and they are so cute! Plus it's awesome that money is donated when you buy a pair!
Love all your favs too. I'll have to remember some of them for when Saw is older!
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