I sware...seriously, that this is the LAST time I will change the blog name. I am a bit indecisive on occasion but this is ridiculous I know. I guess I feel the need to once again defend my finicky state of mind and justify the new name..... Beau read the blog yesterday. So I guess all along he has know one existed but he hasn't paid much attention to my blogging...that is until yesterday. I am not really sure exactly how this happened but all I know is that it caught us both off gaurd. Him, by realizing that I have been a pretty dedicated blogger. And me because, well he laughed at the name and when he realized he hurt my sensitive little feelings he tried to play it off like it was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Then this entire process made me really think about it and I felt like it was definitely in the market for a new name...it was cheesy!!! So, I think this might be better. Hopefully. Ok so if I could only figure out the following: 1. How do I show the blogs I follow on my front screen. 2. How do I apply the really cute background stuff from Cutest Blog on the Block??? 3. How do I make my pictures look bigger and have a cute boarder around them?? I suck at this format situation. I need a blogger friend to help me... walk me through it step by step etc. That pretty much sums it up for this morning.
5 years ago
i like the name - both of them!
you remind me of myself - i can't decide what to do w/ mine. i flopped around for a while, then decided to let it stand, plain and boring, until i figure out what i want to do!
you are doing a great job, and i enjoy reading.
the only question i think i can answer is that i think you can post other blog links under the "link" section on the sidebar.
Angie- thanks! I will try that later today!
You are cracking me up!
ok so "cutest blog on the block" has step by step instructions on how to display the background. when you go to their site...click on "backgrounds" on the left hand side of the page...choose the background you like and click on it...the instructions are ABOVE and BELOW the background you want...if you have any other questions let me know!
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